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Syncs & Collections
Learn how to choose which resources to sync from a source API.

Once you have a source to pull data from, and a destination to write data to, you will need to connect the two using a sync. Fiber can sync a variety of data types from each source, and you can choose the ones you want to sync using collections.

Managing collections

Head to the Collections tab in your sync to create, modify and delete your collections.

Create a collection

To create a new collection:

  1. Navigate to the Collections tab of a sync
  2. Click New collection. You will see a dialog appear.
  3. Choose the type of data you want to sync. This vary depending on the source this sync is connected to.
  4. Next, enter a name to identify this collection. This name must be unique within the sync.
  5. Finally, choose where in the destination this data should be written to. For database destinations, you will see a field to enter the table name. For blob destinations, you will see a field to enter a folder name.
  6. Click Create Collection.

Collection creation form. The available types will depend on the source.

Note that you can create multiple collections of the same type within a sync.

What accounts are synced?

By default, a collection will be loading data from all the accounts attached to the sync's source. Accounts in disabled state are not synced. (You can learn more about account states here.)

When you add a new account to a source, it becomes visible to all Syncs and collections tied to that source. This happens automatically but propagation usually takes a few minutes.

If you prefer to "opt in" to which accounts are synced by a collection, please reach out to our team.

Update frequency

Most collections will attempt to sync data every 10 minutes by default. Syncing happens independently for each account connected to the sync's source. If syncing fails for one account, it will not affect other accounts.

Backfill window

By default, Fiber collections try to load historical data for each account going back one year. This period is called the "backfill window" and can be personalized on a per-collection basis.

You can change the backfill window for most collections within the Fiber dashboard, by going to the collection's settings dialog. Changes to the backfill window only affect new accounts added to the collection.

We are rolling out this feature gradually. Please reach out to our team to get access to this.
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